EGF搭配玻尿酸、複合保濕胺基酸加強肌膚鎖水彈力,全方位補充肌膚所需營養,讓肌膚更加水嫩、健康有光采。 【日本原裝進口】超3D立體菱紋彈力面膜 全新日本原裝進口超3D立體菱紋彈力面膜,如同有600道加壓彈力繃帶提拉臉部和頸部緊實度,針對額頭、眼部、臉頰、嘴角、下顎、頸部共11向有效拉提臉部線條。搭配抗鬆弛和保濕精華液考以有效提升臉部線條,預防鬆弛老化,有效拉提抬頭紋、魚尾紋、法令紋和頸紋。
My Scheming EGF & Amino Acid Double Lifting Mask contains EGF, which works in collaboration with hyaluronic acid and complex hydrating amino acids, to increase the skin’s ability to lock moisture. It replenishes skin with essential nutrients in a comprehensive way. It leaves skin more watery, healthy and lustrous.
The 3D elastic mask fabric, imported from Japan, is imprinted with over 600 elastic, rhombus-shaped grids to provide the face and the neck a comprehensive lifting.
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EGF搭配玻尿酸、複合保濕胺基酸加強肌膚鎖水彈力,全方位補充肌膚所需營養,讓肌膚更加水嫩、健康有光采。 【日本原裝進口】超3D立體菱紋彈力面膜 全新日本原裝進口超3D立體菱紋彈力面膜,如同有600道加壓彈力繃帶提拉臉部和頸部緊實度,針對額頭、眼部、臉頰、嘴角、下顎、頸部共11向有效拉提臉部線條。搭配抗鬆弛和保濕精華液考以有效提升臉部線條,預防鬆弛老化,有效拉提抬頭紋、魚尾紋、法令紋和頸紋。
My Scheming EGF & Amino Acid Double Lifting Mask contains EGF, which works in collaboration with hyaluronic acid and complex hydrating amino acids, to increase the skin’s ability to lock moisture. It replenishes skin with essential nutrients in a comprehensive way. It leaves skin more watery, healthy and lustrous.
The 3D elastic mask fabric, imported from Japan, is imprinted with over 600 elastic, rhombus-shaped grids to provide the face and the neck a comprehensive lifting.
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